What is the difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels

 Solar panels make it possible to produce energy for domestic consumption. There are models of all sizes and powers. Then, you must choose between a monocrystalline panel or a polycrystalline kit. However, to invest more consciously, you want to know the differences. That turns out well ! You will discover them in this article.

What is the material of a solar panel?

Before understanding the difference between a monocrystalline and polycrystalline panel, you need to know the composition of solar kits . It consists of a frame with photovoltaic cells inside. These are responsible for transforming solar radiation into electrical energy.

However, the nature of the cells will make the difference between solar panel models. There are monocrystalline panels that have cells from a single silicon crystal. Its homogeneous structure gives it a black and smooth color.

Next, polycrystalline panels feature cells made up of different silicon crystals. Their size is varied, which gives the panel a heterogeneous and bluish color.

What are the characteristics of each type of panel?

In general, monocrystalline solar panels have a more significant conversion efficiency. If you have one panel of each type of equal size, mono will produce slightly more power.

Furthermore, being more sensitive to light, energy production starts earlier and ends later. The energy conversion time range is slightly wider. This is due to the characteristics of the silicon crystal which is more tense. It is suitable for larger needs in smaller areas.

On the other hand, polycrystalline solar panels have lower efficiency. The conversion efficiency is less important as is its sensitivity to light.

If logic directs you towards a mono solar kit, each model and brand has its own specificities. The ideal is to inquire with sellers and manufacturers. In addition, a poly panel well oriented depending on the season will be more efficient than a poorly oriented mono!

How to determine your choice?

Instead of basing your choice on cell type, turn your attention to other criteria. Above all, choose a quality model! The quality of a solar kit can be determined using different factors.

First of all, the cells that compose it must be of good quality. Ask the manufacturer or seller for details. Then, the assembly of the model must be done well. This ensures the durability and efficiency of the solar panel. You can also choose between a thermal or photovoltaic panel . Finally, the electronic box of the kit must be reliable. Check warranties before purchasing a panel.

Get advice from a professional

Each household has different needs and consumption. To help you determine your choice, call an advisor. Manufacturers and sellers are at your disposal for information. They will help you define your needs and choose the most suitable model

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